
Our members get together every Wednesday and Sunday throughout the year. On Wednesday mornings/afternoons we carry out any maintenance to our track, locomotives and rolling stock, and any other light tasks which are required. Any heavier work takes place on Sunday mornings during the winter months when we are not running for the public.

During the summer months public running takes place every Sunday afternoon with preparation work in the morning beforehand. We also hold a number of weekend events throughout the year including social running and hosting visitors from other clubs.

During the winter months (October to March), we are currently holding informal video calls every two weeks or so, including some talks and sharing of pictures and videos.

Our “OO Group” hold meetings at our Clubhouse on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings start around 17:00 Hrs till 21:00. These can get quite busy.

Anyone wishing to become a member of our Society, should see the membership page or speak to one of our members.